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Saturday, June 8, 2013

VIM : Auto complete of words when typing

VIM is a very powerful text editor so far i have ever come across because no other text editor has such an extensive commands for editing text. Here is the one which would make you love vim for all its rich text editing commands.

Think of when you are writing an RTL code where you often use same names often in the file. Vim makes it easy for you in this scenario. It can auto complete your word by matching it with "previous", "next" matching words. We need to type few letters of the word and it is already used in the file then you can use the bellow commands to insert the same word without typing the word again.

Ctrl+n : insert the next matching word.

Ctrl+p : insert the previous matching word.

In the similar way, if you are trying to type a unix path in the file then you can type in directly without the knowledge of the absolute path by using

 Ctrl+xf : list the available dirs/files in the path.

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